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Thanks for stopping by- the reality is most of us are on a journey trying to find the real and the raw around us. That’s exactly what you’ll find here. I grew up hiding and pretending a lot. When I got saved at 14 truth exploded inside of me boldness grew. It is my greatest joy to preach the very word that saved my life and encourage those around me to live a life fully alive in Jesus.
I have a deep infinity for coffee, real chats and cheering you on! (I would have added naps to that list, but lets be real, I have 4 kids- no naps are happening around here).
My heart is to raise up sons and daughters who know who they are in Christ and unapologetically walk in that. My mission is to preach, teach and empower you!

Nicole Rowan is an itinerant minister; founder of the Orange County Women’s Conference and author of Kingdom Daughters - a 30 day devotional.
She thrives in equipping, empowering and encouraging people in their true potential and place in the Kingdom. Nicole is known as an advocate for empowering women and she ministers with a strong prophetic flow, activating the body into the supernatural ways of God.
Nicole is currently traveling the U.S in a RV ministering with her husband and #4kidsFIVEandunder! When not traveling, she resides in southern California.